Sunday, 9 June 2013


I was out painting near Alnwick on Friday.Two pochades were the result. And I found a view which may make another painting someday.

The sky on Friday was not very interesting-hardly anything in the way of clouds to be seen. I decided to paint a sketch which had little or no sky and would be almost all green.It gave me the chance-or challenge to make a painting out of nothing as you might say.In this sketch  there was no drawing and not much of a design.I always find this difficult and tend to want  more dramatic compositions.In this sketch I started with the pink of the track but used no construction lines. It was more a question of building up as opposed to filling in.

I thought it was really amusing that here I was, an artist of 2013 trying to put into practice something of the advice that Pissarro gave to Louis Le Bail in the early 1890s.

Do not define the outlines too closely; it is the brushwork of the right value and colour which produces the drawing. Paint the essential character of things; try to convey it by any means whatever, without concern for technique. When painting, make a choice of subject, see what is lying at the right and left, then work on everything simultaneously. Don't work bit by bit, but paint everything at once by placing tones everywhere, with brushstrokes of the right colour and value, while noticing what is alongside. Use small strokes and try to put down your perceptions immediately. The eye should not be fixed on one point, but should take in everything, whilst noting the reflections the colors produce on their surroundings. 

 I found it  liberating to work in this way on a pochade and the art historian in me began looking back to Pissarro's involvement with Neo-Impressionism and to the  work of Signac,the Fauves and so on.One thinks also of Cézanne who surely benefitted considerably from his friendship with the "humble and colossall Pissarro".

The palette for this painting I used particularly the following colours:
viridian hue, chrome oxide green, cerulean blue, cobalt blue, permanent rose,  winsor lemon,yellow ochre,burnt sienna,flake white hue.

When I had finished work in the lane I set off to find another motif. When I last saw this view near Alnwick there was no sign of leaves on the trees.

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